There are total 3 public specialized banks found in our database and those banks are operating their services with high reputations in Bangladesh.
You'll get all local specialized bank details, such as, bank information, branches and ATM booth informaion and location map in Bangladesh, various loans and cards, accounts and bank career information of all banks. Find your nearest bank branch or ATM location from the listings of all specialized banks in Bangladesh. To reach the relevant information, we set different colorful buttons below each banks with links connected to the information pages. It's an easy and single click step to reach the relevant information.
Bangladesh Development Bank Limited
With the decision of the Government, Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd. (BDBL) was incorporated on 16 November, 2009 as a Public Company Limited by shares under the Companies Act, 1994 by amalgamation of former Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB) and Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha (BSRS), two Development Financial Institutions (DF ... detail |
KRISHI means Agriculture. Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) is a 100% Government owned specialized bank in Bangladesh. Since its inception, BKB is financing in agricultural sector remarkably. BKB also performs commercial banking. People working abroad can easily send money home through our Taka Drawing Arrangement. The major occ ... detail |
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB) is a state-owned specialized bank in Bangladesh with regional approach. The bank emerged as the government's plan of intensive care to agriculture of Rajshahi and Rangpur administrative divisions providing livelihood to 35 million people of the area. The region is less developed compared ... detail |