Woori Bank Motijheel Branch, Dhaka

To find a branch of Woori Bank nearby you in Dhaka; Motijheel would be your best choice which is located at AA Bhaban, 23 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka 1000 is definitely close to your location. Learn physical address, location, contact number, routing number, SWIFT code, service hours and what times and days this branch will be open and closed. Stay connected to the branch and have experience with its best services.

Woori Bank Bangladesh
Motijheel Branch
AA Bhaban, 23 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka 1000
Sunday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday - Thursday (Except Holidays)

Note: Branch service hours may vary and are subject to change without any notice by the respective bank.
All information about bank and branch displayed above is collected from respective bank's website or profile. AllBanksbd.com is not responsible if found any wrong or incomplete branch information in this page. If found any wrong information, please contact us so that we could update database in the shortest time.

More Woori Bank Branches in Dhaka

Branch NameAddressTelephone
DEPZ Customer Service Center Dhaka Export Processing Zone (Old Area), Ganakbari, Savar, Dhaka 1349 Dhaka Export Processing Zone (Old Area), Ganakbari, Savar, Dhaka 1349
Dhaka Suvastu Imam Square, 65 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka 1212 Suvastu Imam Square, 65 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka 1212
Karwan Bazar AHN Tower, 13 & 15 Bir Uttam CR Dutta Road, Bangla Motor, Dhaka 1205 AHN Tower, 13 & 15 Bir Uttam CR Dutta Road, Bangla Motor, Dhaka 1205
Mirpur Padma Bhaban, Plot 1/9, Pallabi, Mirpur 12, Dhaka 1216 Padma Bhaban, Plot 1/9, Pallabi, Mirpur 12, Dhaka 1216
Uttara Paradise Tower, Plot 11, Sector 3, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka 1230. Paradise Tower, Plot 11, Sector 3, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka 1230.

About Woori Bank Bangladesh

Woori Bank, a part of the Woori Financial Group, is a bank headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. The bank changed its name in 2002, and includes the former Commercial Bank of Korea, Hanil Bank, and Peace Bank. It was known from 1999 through 2002 as Hanvit Bank. In May 2009, Woori Bank became the first South Korean bank to issue UnionPay debit cards in China. Its Jongno branch is located in the Gwangtonggwan, the oldest continuously-operating bank building in Korea. It was registered as one of city's protected monuments on March 5, 2001. Woori Bank is the first South Korean bank to support non-Internet Explorer web browsers for online banking in Korea. Woori Bank has operations in Bangladesh.