There are total 2 branches of Union Bank Limited situated at Pabna district in Bangladesh. Following table of all branches in Pabna district will help you to have any particular branch address address with location, telephone number, routing number, SWIFT code and other related information. Clicking the branch names will show you branch information directly. We have arranged the list by branch names alphabetically.
Branch Name | Address | Telephone |
Ataikula | HM Plaza, Ataikula, Santhia, Pabna 6670 | HM Plaza, Ataikula, Santhia, Pabna 6670 |
Pabna | Akter Corner, Abdul Hamid Road, Pabna | Akter Corner, Abdul Hamid Road, Pabna |
Union Bank is a Sariah Based Bank which has started its operation on 20th May, 2013 in Bangladesh. We take the opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the newly established 4th Generation Banks. Recently we got license from Bangladesh Bank as a scheduled Commercial Bank based on Islamic Shariah. The mission is to provide clean banking and give to our customers best banking solution in Bangladesh. In this purpose we will bank under Bangladesh Bank rules and regulation as well as will follow all Islamic Shariah.
Currency | Rate (৳) |
US Dollar (USD) | 85.22 |
Euro (EUR) | 100.67 |
British Pound (GBP) | 117.25 |
Australian Dollar (AUD) | 62.66 |
Canadian Dollar (CAD) | 67.00 |
Swiss Franc (CHF) | 92.55 |
Japanese Yen (JPY) | 0.77 |
Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) | 22.72 |
Indian Rupee (INR) | 1.16 |
Thai Baht (THB) | 2.60 |