Pubali Bank ATM Booths in Dhaka

There are total 23 ATM booths of Pubali Bank Limited situated at Dhaka district in Bangladesh. Following table of all ATMs in Dhaka will help you to have any particular booth address with location, area and districts. Clicking the booth names will show you booth information directly. We have arranged the list firstly by area names and finally by atm names alphabetically.

Booth NameAddressLocation
Banani Br House No. 86-87, New Airport Road, Banani, Dhaka 1212 Banani
Satmasjid Road Br Bangladesh Medical College Premises, Dhanmondi, Dhaka Dhanmondi
Gulshan Model Town Br Dhaka City Corporation, North Super Market, Gulshan 2, Dhaka Gulshan
Dania Br Shanir Akhra Bus Stand, Dania, Jatrabari, Dhaka 1232 Jatrabari
Kafrul Br Rim Complex, 31 South Kafrul, Dhaka 1206 Kafrul
Karwan Bazar Br Jalalabad Bhaban, 22 Karwan Bazar, Dhaka 1215 Karwanbazar
Sonargaon Hotel Br Sonargaon Hotel, 107 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka 1215 Karwanbazar
Goran Bazar Br 302/A Tilpapara, Khilgaon, Dhaka 1219 Khilgaon
Mohakhali Br 99 Mohakhali Commercial Area, Dhaka 1212 Mohakhali
Asad Avenue Br 59/C Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207 Mohammadpur
Dhaka Stadium Br Lal Bhaban, 8 DIT Extension Road, Dhaka 1000 Motijheel
Foreign Exchange Br 24 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka 1000 Motijheel
Kamalapur Railway Br Railway Station, Kamalapur, Dhaka 1000 Motijheel
Principal Br 26 Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka 1000 Motijheel
Pallabi Br E/1 Pallabi, Eastern Housing Ltd., Pallabi, Dhaka Pallabi
Panthapath Br Besides of Shamorita Hospital, Panthapath, Dhaka 1215 Panthapath
Square Hospital Square Hospital Lobby, Panthapath, Dhaka 1215 Panthapath
Basaboo Br 1/2 Central Basaboo, Dhaka 1214 Sabujbagh
Bar Library Br 6 Court House Street, Dhaka 1100 Sadarghat
Savar Bazar Br Block D-50, Savar Bazar, Dhaka 1340 Savar
BIRDEM Hospital BIRDEM Hospital, Shahbagh, Dhaka 1205 Shahbagh
Shahbagh Avenue Br Shahbagh Biponi Bitan, Shahbagh Avenue, Shahbagh Circle, Dhaka 1205 Shahbagh
Jurain Br Hajee Tower, 302/1 West Jurain, Shyampur, Dhaka Shyampur

About Pubali Bank

The Bank was initially emerged in the banking scenario of the then East Pakistan as Eastern Mercantile Bank Limited at the initiative of some Bangalee entrepreneurs in the year 1959 for providing credit to the Bangalee entrepreneurs who had limited access to the credit in those days from other financial institutions. After independence of Bangladesh in 1972 this Bank was nationalized as per policy of the Government and renamed as Pubali Bank. Subsequently due to changed circumstances this Bank was denationalized in the year 1983 as a private bank and renamed as Pubali Bank Limited. Since inception this Bank has been playing a vital role in socio-economic, industrial and agricultural development as well as in the overall economic development of the country through savings mobilization and investment of funds.

BDT Exchange Rates
CurrencyRate (৳)
US Dollar US Dollar (USD) 85.22
Euro Euro (EUR) 100.67
British Pound British Pound (GBP) 117.25
Australian Dollar Australian Dollar (AUD) 62.66
Canadian Dollar Canadian Dollar (CAD) 67.00
Swiss Franc Swiss Franc (CHF) 92.55
Japanese Yen Japanese Yen (JPY) 0.77
Saudi Arabian Riyal Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) 22.72
Indian Rupee Indian Rupee (INR) 1.16
Thai Baht Thai Baht (THB) 2.60
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