Islami Bank Branches in Jessore

There are total 6 branches of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited situated at Jessore district in Bangladesh. Following table of all branches in Jessore district will help you to have any particular branch address address with location, telephone number, routing number, SWIFT code and other related information. Clicking the branch names will show you branch information directly. We have arranged the list by branch names alphabetically.

Branch NameAddressTelephone
Benapole SS Super Market, Benapole Port, Jessore SS Super Market, Benapole Port, Jessore
Chowgacha Kapotakka Centre, Madrasah Road, Chowgacha, Jessore Kapotakka Centre, Madrasah Road, Chowgacha, Jessore
Jessore 7-8 Rail Road, Jessore 7400 7-8 Rail Road, Jessore 7400
Jhikargachha Hanif Super Market, Jhikargachha, Jessore Hanif Super Market, Jhikargachha, Jessore
keshabpur AR Tower, Holding No. 582, Haji Moksed Ali Sarak, Keshabpur, Jessore AR Tower, Holding No. 582, Haji Moksed Ali Sarak, Keshabpur, Jessore
Noapara Noapara, Abhaynagar, Jessore Noapara, Abhaynagar, Jessore

About Islami Bank

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is a Joint Venture Public Limited Company engaged in commercial banking business based on Islamic Shari'ah with 63.09% foreign shareholding having largest branch network of total 294 Branches among the private sector Banks in Bangladesh. It was established on the 13th March 1983 as the first Islamic Bank in the South East Asia. The mission of the bank is to establish Islamic Banking through the introduction of a welfare oriented banking system and also ensure equity and justice in the field of all economic activities, achieve balanced growth and equitable development in through diversified investment operations particularly in the priority sectors and less developed areas of the country. To encourage socio-economic upliftment and financial services to the loss-income community particularly in the rural areas.

BDT Exchange Rates
CurrencyRate (৳)
US Dollar US Dollar (USD) 85.22
Euro Euro (EUR) 100.67
British Pound British Pound (GBP) 117.25
Australian Dollar Australian Dollar (AUD) 62.66
Canadian Dollar Canadian Dollar (CAD) 67.00
Swiss Franc Swiss Franc (CHF) 92.55
Japanese Yen Japanese Yen (JPY) 0.77
Saudi Arabian Riyal Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) 22.72
Indian Rupee Indian Rupee (INR) 1.16
Thai Baht Thai Baht (THB) 2.60
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