There are total 1 branch of Global Islami Bank Limited situated at Sirajganj district in Bangladesh. Following table of all branches in Sirajganj district will help you to have any particular branch address address with location, telephone number, routing number, SWIFT code and other related information. Clicking the branch names will show you branch information directly. We have arranged the list by branch names alphabetically.
Branch Name | Address | Telephone |
Khukni Islami Banking | Tawhid Tamzid Bhaban, Khukni Bazar, Enayatpur, Sirajganj | Tawhid Tamzid Bhaban, Khukni Bazar, Enayatpur, Sirajganj |
Bangladesh Bank approved Global Islami Bank as one of the fourth generation banks which is to materialize the dream of people having the goal to keep Bangladesh well connected with other advanced nations. It is the brainchild of 25 (twenty five) well-reputed visionary Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) people residing in different countries of the world. It has been approved by the regulatory bodies in 2012 to operate the business in the banking of Bangladesh. NRB Global wishes to become an exceptional brand in the financial sector by offering service excellence and creating value for everybody encompassing customers, shareholders, partners, society, and economy through transparency, technology, innovation & integrity.
Currency | Rate (৳) |
US Dollar (USD) | 85.22 |
Euro (EUR) | 100.67 |
British Pound (GBP) | 117.25 |
Australian Dollar (AUD) | 62.66 |
Canadian Dollar (CAD) | 67.00 |
Swiss Franc (CHF) | 92.55 |
Japanese Yen (JPY) | 0.77 |
Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) | 22.72 |
Indian Rupee (INR) | 1.16 |
Thai Baht (THB) | 2.60 |