First Security Islami Bank Kalia Branch, Narail

To find a branch of First Security Islami Bank nearby you in Narail; Kalia would be your best choice which is located at Reon Tower, Holding No. 55, Road 2, Kalia, Narail is definitely close to your location. Learn physical address, location, contact number, routing number, SWIFT code, service hours and what times and days this branch will be open and closed. Stay connected to the branch and have experience with its best services.

First Security Islami Bank Limited
Kalia Branch
Reon Tower, Holding No. 55, Road 2, Kalia, Narail
10 June 2018
Sunday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday - Thursday (Except Holidays)

Note: Branch service hours may vary and are subject to change without any notice by the respective bank.
All information about bank and branch displayed above is collected from respective bank's website or profile. is not responsible if found any wrong or incomplete branch information in this page. If found any wrong information, please contact us so that we could update database in the shortest time.

More First Security Islami Bank Branches in Narail

Branch NameAddressTelephone
Narail Bhuyan Shopping Mall, Jessore Road, Narail Bhuyan Shopping Mall, Jessore Road, Narail
Narail Lohagara SME School Road, Holding 485, Lohagara Bazar, Narail School Road, Holding 485, Lohagara Bazar, Narail

About First Security Islami Bank Limited

First Security Islami Bank is one of the Islami Banks which got new tradition for the purpose of modern Islami Banking program in the banking history of the country. It is fully Shariah based Bank and following the Islamic Rules and Regulation. This bank is gradually proceeding to its goal after starting its operation. Our vision is to be the premier financial institution in the country by providing high quality products and services backed by latest technology and a team of highly motivated personnel to deliver excellence in Banking.