Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited provides various types of accounts for their different types of clients for helping to make their life easy and simple. Here is a list of all available bank accounts provided by EXIM Bank and are listed alphabetically by account names. Click a name to learn details, facilities and conditions of the accounts and choose the best one you prefer.
Mudaraba savings account is opened in Exam Bank under the Mudaraba principal of Islami Shariah which is mainly meant for Non-Trading customers who have some potential saving with small number of transactions taking place. More than one person can open and operate a Mudaraba savings account. A guardian on behalf of a minor can open a Mudaraba Saving... read more |
In Exam Bank, Al-Wadiah Current Account follows the Principle of Islami Shariah wherein the bank is deemed as a keeper and trustee of funds as Al-Amana, which means "on Trust". This deposit that operates by taking permission from depositors would be taken to use their fund according to Shariah Principle and depositors would not receive any kind of ... read more |
Cash Waqf provides a unique opportunity for making investment in different religious, educational and social services. Saving made from earning by the well off and the rich people of the society can be utilized in our organized manner. Income earned from these funds will spent for different purposes like the purposes of the waqf properties itself. ... read more |
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited (EXIM Bank) is one of the leading private commercial banks in Bangladesh. The Bank was established in the year 1999 under the leadership of Late Mr. Shahjahan Kabir, Founder Chairman who had a long dream of floating a commercial bank which would contribute to the socio-economic development of our country. From its establishment the bank was known as BEXIM Bank Limited. But due to legal constraints, the bank was renamed as EXIM Bank, which stood for Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited. As of 2014 the bank has operations across the country with 80 branches and 45 ATM booths. By July 2004 the bank has migrated all of its conventional banking operation into Shariah based Islamic banking.