Eastern Bank Limited provides various types of cards for their account holder for helping to make their life easy and simple. Having these cards with you, never need to carry cash in pocket. These cards are very simple to use and obviously secured. Here is a list of all cards provided by Eastern Bank and listed alphabetically by their names. Click the names to learn detail of the cards and choose the best cards you desire.
EBL provides dual currency Aqua Prepaid Card, which has unique features and benefits having a EMV Chip on top of the card. This is a MasterCard that will ensure more security, convenience and flexibility for making your everyday spending with a single card. You can purchage this card from any of EBL Branch which one will get instantly on deposit ... read more |
EBL provides dual currency LifeStyle Prepaid Card, which has unique features and benefits having a EMV Chip on top of the card. This is a Visa card that will ensure more security, convenience and flexibility for making your everyday spending with a single card. You can purchage this card from any of EBL Branch which one will get instantly on dep ... read more |
With a vision to become the bank of choice and to be the most valuable financial brand in Bangladesh, Eastern Bank Ltd. (EBL) began its journey in 1992. Over the years EBL has established itself as a leading private commercial bank in the country with undisputed leadership in Corporate Banking and a strong Consumer and SME growth engines. EBL's ambition is to be the number one financial services provider, creating lasting value for its clientele, shareholder, employees and above all for the community it operates in.