Bangladesh Development Bank Branches in Barisal

There are total 1 branch of Bangladesh Development Bank Limited situated at Barisal district in Bangladesh. Following table of all branches in Barisal district will help you to have any particular branch address address with location, telephone number, routing number, SWIFT code and other related information. Clicking the branch names will show you branch information directly. We have arranged the list by branch names alphabetically.

Branch NameAddressTelephone
Barisal Abdur Rahman Bhuiyan & Sons (ARBS) Bhaban, 41 Chawkbazar, Barisal Abdur Rahman Bhuiyan & Sons (ARBS) Bhaban, 41 Chawkbazar, Barisal

About Bangladesh Development Bank

With the decision of the Government, Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd. (BDBL) was incorporated on 16 November, 2009 as a Public Company Limited by shares under the Companies Act, 1994 by amalgamation of former Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB) and Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha (BSRS), two Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) in the public sector. As a Public Limited Company, BDBL formally embarked its journey on January 03, 2010. It extends financial assistance for setting up industries and provides all kinds of commercial banking services to its customers through its branch network in Bangladesh.

BDT Exchange Rates
CurrencyRate (৳)
US Dollar US Dollar (USD) 85.22
Euro Euro (EUR) 100.67
British Pound British Pound (GBP) 117.25
Australian Dollar Australian Dollar (AUD) 62.66
Canadian Dollar Canadian Dollar (CAD) 67.00
Swiss Franc Swiss Franc (CHF) 92.55
Japanese Yen Japanese Yen (JPY) 0.77
Saudi Arabian Riyal Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) 22.72
Indian Rupee Indian Rupee (INR) 1.16
Thai Baht Thai Baht (THB) 2.60
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